Honey, Lemon & Ginger “Tea”


Years ago, and I mean LONG before kids, when we were living in a tiny apartment, stretching every penny to get from month to month, Nate changed jobs and there was a lapse in his health insurance. This happened to be in the Spring, allergy season, still cold/flu season and he has horrible allergies- so we got really good at useful home remedies that actually work.  I tried to find the original blog post that I read so many years ago, but couldn’t- though if I do, I’ll link it here.

In the post the woman told of how her grandmother, or aunt or someone awesome always had a jar in the fridge and when anyone got a cold or cough- she’d scoop out a spoonful into hot water and make this amazing “tea”. I started a jar that day and swear I had it for like 5 years, and made a few others that I had for some time between then and now.

Now that we are all home, all the time, for as long as we’re gonna be home all the time, I’m re-upping my stash of everything that boosts immunity or helps ease allergies, colds and anything else floating about- which right now is a heavy amount of gnarliness. 

This is incredibly easy to make, and it’ll be there for ya in the fridge when you need it! As time goes by and you use it you can always just add more of the 3 ingredients- top it off! 

Why this trio of ingredients? Well, in my opinion, it totally tastes good- plus each of these three are POWERFUL in some really awesome ways! Did you know the peel of a lemon is super high in vitaminC, antioxidants and is great for giving your immune system a boost! Ginger is amazing for digestion, reduces inflammation, it is also an immune system booster and is known to help with nausea. Honey has proven antibacterial properties, will soothe a sore throat, and helps ease a cough, it’s also rich in antioxidants!


Here’s what you’ll need:

2-3 lemons, washed, thinly sliced, with the seeds removed

1 cup honey (local & raw if at all possible) 

A 2 inch piece of ginger, grated ( I usually use 1-2 tablespoons ginger, I like it ginger-y!)

A clean, dry 16 oz jar with a lid

Here’s what to do:

Add the lemons and ginger to the jar, pour the honey in, seal and keep in the fridge!


Here’s how to use it: 

Keep the jar in the fridge and when you are ready to use it, either take a teaspoon of it straight or add it to hot/warm water to make “tea”. I just keep adding a little more of all 3 ingredients as time goes on and I use what’s in the jar.



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