New Moon Intention Setting

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A few years ago, I was introduced to moon-cycle intention setting and I instantly connected with the rhythm of monthly “darkness and light”. At the time, I was part of a really cool group of women, who met monthly and talked all about fascinating fabulous things happening in space- the sun, moon and stars. I miss that collective so much, but I’m deeply grateful for everything I’ve learned and how implementing more rituals into our lives has welcomed so much more ease and alignment. It’s a stressful time. We have no idea what the coming weeks, months, and year-end hold. Will kids return to campus? More full-time distance learning? What businesses will close/open/open/close? All of this, on top of trying to stay healthy and well.

Here’s something to consider- every animal on the planet, the tide, you name it, is impacted directly and indirectly by the cycle of the moon, it seems pretty silly to think we, as humans, are exempt from this- right? In fact if you throw it waaaaay back, you’d see how we used to acknowledge this so much more than we do now, in fact that’s how they used to keep track of time passing, seasons etc. 

The moon takes approximately 29.5 days to complete a cycle of phases. The lunar calendar is as old as the hills, maybe older, like 8000 BC/ Mesolithic period old.

The rich history of humankind cycling with the moon is intriguing and as always, there is so much we can learn that is applicable to life today.

Think of it how some people set “resolutions” for New Year’s Eve, but this is every 28 days! When the new moon comes, we turn inward- reflect- listen to the whispers of the universe and set our intentions, when the full moon comes we celebrate, we bring our progress and accomplishments into the light and embrace the extra charge of energy. 

The moon falling into darkness and becoming INVISIBLE reminds us to turn inward and do a self check, on a regular cyclical basis- it’s such a powerful thing! 

Starting a moon cycle intention setting habit or ritual is really easy, it can be as succinct or elaborate as you want it to be.

There is so much I could write about the magic of the moon, however with the New Moon upon us again on July 20th, we’ll focus on this beautiful period of darkness, introspection and intention setting

Here is how I manifest, or set intentions, with every New Moon, go with what resonates with you and find ways to create your own ritual. This is super fun to do with your kids too, so be sure to include them in some way and support them as they create a more personal version!

Practice your ritual within 24 hours +/- of the actual New Moon you can look it up or use an app like “Moon Phases” to get accurate timing. 


Clear Your Energy and Create A Peaceful Space

You can use sage or palo santo to clear the energy in your space, light candles, bring your crystals and arrange them. Gather a journal, a pen, a singing bowl if you have one, and play some calming white noise, the ocean, rain, meditation music or other peaceful sound.

Meditate or Practice Breath-work and Awareness

The New Moon is a time to sit in the darkness, to dive deep within and to clear out the clutter of your mind. Sit quietly and breath deeply, think of the sky, the sea or the sound of your breath. If this causes you discomfort- you can always keep your eyes open and practice thinking about nothing but “breathe in, breathe out” for a few minutes. 

Ideally, if it’s comfortable, practice meditation for at least 10 minutes. Clear negativity, let go of anything that is not serve you, make space to receive guidance from the universe, Source, God- whatever aligns with your spiritual practice. Prayer is when we request guidance, meditation is the place where our mind gets quiet so our soul can receive the answers. 


Free write for a bit. I use the “mind mapping” technique. I write a word or phrase and circle it then draw lines that come from it and write whatever comes to mind. Write what it’s time to release, what no longer serves you, what you need to let go of to grow and move forward. Write where you want to be at the end of this cycle, at the Full Moon. What do you intend to accomplish? What energy are you calling in? How do you want to feel? 

Write at least 3 things you are thankful for. 

I always like to incorporate journaling because then I can look back when the Full Moon comes and see how I’ve progressed. 

Write and Speak your Intentions, What You’d like to Manifest

For me, the journaling process is messy, free-flowing and a place to clear anything buzzing around in my head out on to paper. After I journal, I take small pieces of paper and, in a more organized, intentional way- write what I let go of in, in one or two sentences, and on another piece what I welcome in, what I an manifesting, my intentions for this cycle. 

Burning the “what I release” piece of paper is very liberating, so totally go for it if  you can do it safely! Some people burn both pieces but I keep my intention piece until the Full Moon.

You can also deepen your practice by doing other check ins throughout the month as the phases transition. If you want to take it to the next level you can also incorporate astrology and really hone your ritual to incorporate the stars too! If you’d like to incorporate a Full Moon Ritual into your practice, you can find my tips on doing so HERE.

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