Secular Homeschool Curriculum Resources List

If you’re looking to find truly secular (non-religious) homeschool curriculum resources, here’s a huge list! This list also aims to be progressive, inclusive, and equitable- please give me ALL the feedback, if a resource posted does not fit that description, I will remove it asap! For homeschool laws by state, avoid HSLDA (as they are a group that lobbies against human rights) and check out The Coalition for Responsible Home Education instead.

***ADDING NEW RESOURCES NOW (November 2024) please email me any time with resources to add***

This list of progressive, secular homeschool curriculum resources is a constant work-in-progress, so please check back to see updates and send me any I miss any time. I’m also working on a PDF version for 2025, please make sure you are on my email list so you are first to know when I get that monster task accomplished.

As a secular homeschool parent since 2017, I know it can be challenging to find truly secular curriculum, and the number of times I’ve been told “just omit the scripture part”, are COUNTLESS! I’m so thankful for all the bloggers, creators and homeschool-parent friends who’ve shared resources with me.

If you know of an awesome, completely secular resource that I have not listed, please shout it out below in the comments or email me and I will add it to the linked list. Also, please hold me accountable, if I ever list something and the company, CEO, executive board etc are funding anti-human rights legislation or participating in nationalist nonsense I will absolutely remove the resource regardless of the secular nature of the curriculum content.

If you have Pinterest I recommend pinning this list so you can come back to it easily any time.

My personal experience to this point is preK-middle school. I also ask my IRL friends and internet friends for feedback on their favorites, so the list offers resources for preschool-12th. For frame of reference, my kids are currently in 5th and 7th (Fall 2024) respectively.

Huge List of Secular Homeschool Curriculum Resources

I have noted if the resource is FREE (I also have a list that is only free resources HERE).

I share Free Secular Homeschool Resources regularly and do my best to organize those in playlists on my TikTok page.

“Full” Curriculum / Multi-Subject Offerings

FULL curriculum is probably the trickiest, because in the non-secular world there are LOADS of comprehensive or “Full Curriculum” options, but we all know Abeka sucks, and that’s why we’re here, right? We have never used a “one-stop-shop/all-in-one” style curriculum in our personal homeschool experience. There are definitely secular choices, and I imagine this section will grow in the next few years as more people create awesome choices that are truly secular, less Euro-centric and more historically accurate from all perspectives.

PBS Learning Media- FREE RESOURCE PreK-12+ We use this weekly to build lessons and find it a truly priceless resource, every subject, every grade, it’s ALL here!

Kennedy Center Resources Library- FREE RESOURCE “Resources and experiences that inspire, excite, and empower students and young artists, plus the tools and connections to help educators incorporate the arts into classrooms of all types”

At Home Middle School FREE RESOURCE- 6th, 7th, 8th Full online middle school curriculum.

Athena’s Academy- 3rd- College (Gifted/2e option)… see also Athena’s Homeschool

Global Village School- K-12 Personalized, secular k-12 education for OVER 25 years! (Site does mention “Waldorf” and I’m not a Steiner fan so heads up there)

Blossom & Root- TK-5th This one is a huge favorite for many. It’s preschool/”early years” through 5th grade and multi-subject. They do a 30% sale (everything in their store) 3 times a year: March 15 – April 30, August 1 – September 15, & Nov. 15 – Dec. 31.

Fishtank Learning- FREE RESOURCE K-12 ELA and 3rd - Algebra 2 maths.

Wild Learning- K-5th This is a math and reading resource, but I cover math separately below as their math is available for K-5th and reading is currently L1 with L2 slated to drop in June of this year (2022)! The Wild Learning philosophy is that learning is done best OUTDOORS and who can argue with that!? This is an awesome resource for learning essential math and reading skills using nature as a tool.

Oak National Academy- FREE RESOURCE 6-Middle This resource was created during the 2020 pandemic lockdowns to assist parents with home education/support schooling at home. Multi-subject/multi-grade level. Lots of offerings!

Torchlight Curriculum-TK-5th Torchlight is a literature-based secular curriculum for “level Pre-k through 5” that started the same year we did- 2017. In addition to full curriculum they also offer cool “individual study” units and resources for their members.

Outschool- All ages Outschool has been part of our weekly homeschool schedule since 2017! They have “flex” classes, live classes, one-time classes, weekly classes, semester-long and even year-long options. You can find tutoring, social clubs, art and craft classes, and so much more. This link will give you $20 off your first classes!

K5Learning- FREE RESOURCE K-6th Another we use often, K5 learning is free worksheets and lesson ideas for K-5th grade, with some 6th grade/level math, and science for K-3rd

K12Reader- FREE RESOURCE 1st - 12th We use this resource quite a bit, K12 Reader is free worksheets and lesson ideas for 1st-High School. You’ll find spelling, grammar, reading/comp, vocabulary, composition and more. They also have a resources tab worth checking out!

BrainPop/BrainPop Jr.- We use Brain Pop monthly and have a subscription through our charter. They do offer a free 2 week trial if you are interested in checking it out! I first learned about Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr from my mom, who’s a traditional school teacher. It’s great for science, math, social studies, art and more. My kids love the videos. Also, check with your local library or larger county branch to see if they offer free access to Brain Pop/Briain Pop Jr.

Kumon Workbooks- These have been a great supplement for “grade-level” work, and we’ve tried loads of different workbooks. The Kumon series is definitely both kids top pick. They are broken up by subject and grade level and we incorporate the “summer books” in our summer season each year (two pages a day, so simple).

Build Your Library- K-12 literature-based, secular homeschool curriculum. Incorporates dictation, memory work, copy work. I love a chronological history approach and we now have several friends using this curriculum, so I’ve been able to get some legit feedback and see it myself. My initial hesitation was that I have heard from MANY families that this is not the most de-colonized option- and part of that problem is the creators of the curriculum not taking that feedback well (aka ignoring it). So if you are looking for progressive/decolonized- this is probably not the best option. ALSO- they have a Harry Potter unit and and can’t morally recommend anything that gives JK a dime- and encourage you do do some digging on why the books are problematic beyond their gross TERFy author. A resource we use, has a free component and you can definitely try it for free to see how you like it. We did the free option first but I upgraded it to the premium pretty quickly and like the organizing, assessment and other extras that come with the paid account.

Super Teacher Worksheets- Worksheets for MANY subjects, for elementary age kiddos. We’ve been using this resource for a few years now, and currently have this resource for free through our collaborative program. When I’ve paid for it in the past, I split an account with my bestie and that worked well.

Connections Academy k-12 FREE RESOURCE Connections Academy is a full curriculum specifically designed for online learning- Kinder through 12th grade. I’m not personally too familiar with this one, but found a review you can check out HERE.

EngageNY FREE RESOURCE Engage NY is math and ELA for Pre-K through 12th grade. It’s an initiative launched by the New York State Education Department and is a Common Core resource guide. While we do not align completely with state standards or common core structure here, we’ve found this to be a helpful resource.

Khan Academy FREE RESOURCE We love Khan! This robust, FREE resource is a weekly must at our house! Khan is for K-12 (any age, really) and offers everything you can think of- math, grammar SAT(r) prep and more. From the Khan site, “Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. We focus on skill mastery to help learners establish strong foundations, so there's no limit to what they can learn next!”

Discovery K-12 FREE RESOURCE this online curriculum is PreK-12, complete with assessments and a spelling program. They offer 7 main courses: Reading/Literature, Language Arts, Math, History/Social Studies, Science, Visual/Performing Arts, and Physical Education. Extra Curriculum includes Spanish 1, HTML Coding, Healthy Living, Personal Finance, Business 101, and Business Apps.

Teaches Pay Teachers- Free resources available Both my mom and sister are tradition elementary school teachers and they use this site all the time, I have quite a few friends who sell on this site too! It’s a great resource and awesome to support teachers since we all know they don’t get paid NEARLY enough for all the work they do. Heads up though, TPT DOES allow "religious curriculum” so you will need to be mindful when searching that you are choosing secular options. FREE RESOURCE K-12, videos that coordinate with online printed materials- wide range of subjects, arts, ELA, math, science, social science and language.

BBC Bitesize- FREE RESOURCE PreK-High School- free online resources- step-by-step guides, activities, videos and quizzes, organized by level and subject.

AoPS Academy- Art of Problem Solving virtual campus for math and language arts (Beast Academy Math is listed separately below as well)

Time4Learning- preschool through high school, ALL subjects!

Nautilus Homeschool A customizable K-12 literature-based curriculum, for intellectually curious kids who love to read. Course options include everything from classic literature to astrophysics, and parents can mix and match to fit each student's level and interests.  Free trials and monthly subscription options are available.

Schoolio- K-8 Complete curriculum, $30/month

IXL- K-12 Full multi-subject curriculum with robust diagnostics. We have been using IXL this (2024-25) school year and really enjoy it. My oldest is using it primarily for Spanish and science and my youngest for math and language arts. We plan to renew our subscription and use this again next year.

Georgia Virtual Learning Elementary & Middle School FREE RESOURCE Over 130 courses available in language arts, math, social studies, science, world language, fine arts and MORE!

OpenUp Resources-K-8 FREE RESOURCE


How Wee Learn- K-3rd Free resources available on site. Multi dimensional curriculum offerings and family unit studies.

ClassWeekly K-5 where educators can connect and access curriculum aligned worksheets and workbooks (multi-subject)

Oak Meadow - K-12 (2025 UPDATE-this is a WALDORF Curriculum, so as a family that wouldn’t do any Waldorf due to Steiner being a racist gnarly mf’er I will keep this here as “secular” but wouldn’t recommend it). It’s a full curriculum, if that’s what you’re looking for! Oak Meadow is k-12 and has been around since 1975. They also have a “teacher-supported distance learning school” and according to their website their curriculum “aligns with rigorous academic standards, and it can be customized to meet students’ interests, skills, and learning styles”.


Hearth and Story 4th - 8th grade- This language arts curriculum was created by Lindsay Sodano who is an author of the popular Pandia Press History Quest series. This is a relatively new (as of Nov 2024) offering and I’ve got it high on my list to learn more about and USE asap! From the Hearth and Story site:
”The culmination of [Sodano’s] experiences and passion has given rise to Hearth & Story – a sanctuary for families seeking an academically robust and aesthetically pleasing language arts curriculum.”

Brave Writer - Much like Blossom and Root this is probably one of the most well-known secular curriculum options. It’s very popular and while we haven’t used it yet, we have many friends who have that LOVE it. It’s definitely on my “interest” list and I will update if we get to using it at any point.

University of Florida Literacy Institute- FREE RESOURCE/ DYSLEXIA RESOURCE

Touch, Type, Read, Spell

Explode the Code -There are two options for this one- online and workbook, we used the workbooks briefly about 5 years ago. Explode the Code is a researched-based, multisensory, Orton-Gillingham based program that builds essential literacy skills.

Epic Books - My youngest absolutely LOVES Epic Books. Our charter gave a free subscription to this site in spring of 2020 and we’ve been using it ever since!

Saxon Grammar & Writing -This is a rigorous grammar and writing curriculum with versions for grades 3-8. We were first introduced to this curriculum through an Outschool class that worked through the majority of the Grade 3 lessons.

Logic of English - definitely another favorite in the secular homeschool community LoE has offerings for age 4-adult. It’s a reading, spelling, vocab and grammar curriculum. It uses a multi-sensory approach and provides parent-educator development resources.

Learning Without Tears -Another that my mom shared with us early in our homeschool journey, we use some type of LWT curriculum every week. They offer handwriting, early learning, cursive, Spanish, reading and typing/keyboarding, for PreK through 5th grade levels.

Progressive Phonics FREE RESOURCE Progressive Phonics is reading, phonics and handwriting for elementary age kids. On their site you’ll find printable books, activity sheets and lesson plans.

Reading Eggs. This online reading curriculum offers a 30 day free trial and is for kids age/level 2-13. The format follows a science-based approach to literacy.

Thoughtful Learning Language Arts is K-12 writing resources, grammar and social-emotional learning. They also have some really great parent educator resources to check out!

Lexia/Core5 is a literacy acceleration program for students preK to 5th grade. Both of my kids used this program as they transitioned from pre-readers to readers and we really loved it (well, I did, they got frustrated sometimes but learning to read is no easy task).

Reading A-Z This is a common-core aligned reading resource/curriculum with thousands of downloadable, printable, projectable books, lessons etc. Good for phonological awareness, phonics lessons, flash cards, guided reading and more.

StarFall- This was one of my youngest kiddo’s favorites resources! Starfall Education Foundation is a publicly supported non-profit organization. Online resource for PreK-3rd and does also have math and seasonal sections in addition to the Language arts.

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons- Pre-readers this is a book that has excellent feedback. We had a copy early on in our homeschool journey and I did attempt it with both kiddos. It’s an interesting method and if you stick to it, can work really well. You can click the link to read reviews.

Teach Your Monster to Read- FREE RESOURCE Both of my kids loved this reading game, but I will say the accent of the voice on the game can make it a little challenging- we would usually do this together and work on pronunciation together. My oldest found it more challenging than my youngest. They do also have a math options.

Home/School/Life Highschool Curriculum- available in print or online, all 4 years. Each year comes with a master guide that walks you through the weekly lessons. Visit their site for a breakdown of each year and what the curriculum contains.

Scholastic Teachables Free resources available They offer a monthly subscription plan that includes over 30,000 resources for TK-6th grade, plus 100 new resources added each month.

Prenda Treasure Hunt Reading FREE RESOURCE This is an excellent resource for early literacy, fun and FREE!

Nessy Phonics, early reading, typing and math. Best known as advocates for children with dyslexia around the world.

Common Lit- FREE RESOURCE - PENDING APPROVAL, this used to be more accessible and you can still try to use it as a free resource as a home educator- go to pricing and select the free plan to sign up as a teacher, there is an approval process for homeschoolers/parent educators now. ELA Curriculum for 6th-12th grade

Daily Grammar Archive- FREE RESOURCE elementary/middle school An online archive with tons of grammar lessons and quizzes.

University of Bristol- FREE RESOURCE upper elem/middle school Free online grammar resource.

Read, Write, Think-FREE RESOURCE k-12 Free, online reading comprehension resource.

ReadWorks- FREE RESOURCE K-12 Free, online literacy resource.

Reading Vine- FREE RESOURCE Pk-8th Spelling, grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension. Worksheets and more!

Quindew- Free Resource Middle School Reading comprehension, academic writing skills and assessments.

ReadTheory- FREE RESOURCE K-12 (and ASL) Reading comprehension resource

UnSocalized Free Spelling and Vocabulary Free Resource 1st-12th Word Ladders, full PDF versions of workbooks, spelling rules and MORE


Beast Academy We’ve been using Beast through access given by our charter- it is an online and workbook resource and even has an option to work with a live instructor. It is a “comic based” math program for students 6-13. My oldest LOVES it.

CTC Math K-12 Self-paced online homeschool math curriculum. Offers a FREE TRIAL * we are using this resource this year (2024-25) for the first time so I’ll update with our experience soon!

Math Seeds -This is a companion program to Reading Eggs (listed above), Math Seeds is an online program and covers “core math problem solving skills” for ages 3-9.


Prodigy -Free available Prodigy is game based mathematics and tutoring- online for 1st-8th graders.

Singapore Math- This method for PreK-8th Grade and it has two core programs; Primary Mathematics and Dimensions Math. We have used Dimensions for my youngest and really like it! Learn more about the method HERE.

Time4Mathfacts- This is an online game-based program for PreK-12th grade, focusing on fluency. Features adaptive instruction, milestone acknowledgements and detailed reporting.

Wild Math- I mentioned the main website for this math resource, Wild Learning above. They have math for K-5th and believe that the best place to learn is out in nature! We participated in a park-group that did a unit of Wild Math and it was really fun. Each grade-level covers all the essential skills for that grade, uses math manipulatives found in nature and is game-based, project-based, hands-on learning fun!

You Cubed -Mathematical Mindset -Free Resources via email and on website regularly If you’ve not read Limitless Mind by Jo Boaler, I highly recommend it. The research behind You Cubed and the Mindset Mathematics curriculum is really fantastic and worth learning more about. The Mindset Mathematics books are leveled K-8th grade but definitely lend well to group work and kids of different ages/grade levels. When my oldest was in 3rd grade we were part of a group that worked through the 4th grade book week by week. There were 3rd, 4th and 5th graders in the group and it was really fun! Even my youngest, who was in 1st grade at the time, would be able to participate in some way, when the group met up.

Georgia State Math - Free Resource offering K-12 math standards

Reflex Grades 2+ This is an online, game-based math program focusing on fluency. My oldest used this program in 3rd grade and it is rather fast-paced (meaning timed games) which wasn’t something they had much experience with. It is an adaptive program that is individualized, has reporting/parent educator data tracking and, for us, was definitely effective in improving multiplication and division fluency.

ST Math CURRENTLY A FREE RESOURCE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ST math is an online, game -based math program my kids have been using since Kindergarten. From the ST Math site, “ST Math is a PreK-8 visual instructional program that leverages the brain's innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems. ST Math Homeschool games bring more than 35,000 puzzles into your home, with interactive representations of math topics that align to all state standards and learning objectives that target key grade-level concepts and skills.”

Math Dad (see Science Mom under Science category)

Math with Confidence- K-6th Workbooks

Denison Middle-High School Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Advanced Algebra and Advanced Trig

Mr. D Math- Grades 5-12 Offering live, self-paced, fast-paced and ASL courses.


History Quest- This is the main history curriculum we use. Starting with Early Times- History Quest has been a super fun way to learn history in chronological order! It’s a “complete elementary history curriculum using storytelling and hands-on activities to capture your child's imagination.” We love the project built into each unit, the Hygge history and the extra reading recommendations. We are wrapping up Early times now and looking forward to Middle Times, and the Modern History Bridge (grades 3-7), followed by History Odyssey (Grades 6-12). They also have a U.S. History Curriculum that is brand new and you can find more info on their site. History Quest could absolutely be more focused on the global majority and les Euro-centric, but my kids like it, so we use it as our foundation and supplement with other resources, books, field trips, travel etc to get a good range of perspective!

Mint and Bloom Learning NEW RESOURCE ADDED SUMMER 2023 3rd grade + (offerings for all ages) Progressive, secular, art/project based learning! I first found Helen and Arielle on Tiktok, and was super excited to give their curriculum offerings a try. I ordered “Read, Glow, Grow V2-15 Inspiring Women” and “Power of the People All-Ages History Curriculum”. I’m really excited to use this curriculum in our coming school year and you’ll definitely be hearing more about it from me soon! Learn more about the creators HERE.

Woke Homeschooling Created by a homeschool parent and her community, Woke Homeschooling is a “conscious US History Curriculum”. This has been edited and is now a secular resource, however the creator of this resource does mention “God” in their About section, but as far as all the feedback I’ve collected this is a valid, truly secular resource.

Smithsonian’s History Explorer Free Resource k-12 A website developed by the National Museum for American History, learning activities feature the artifacts in the museum. Make sure you check out the “cross-curricular connections” section.

Zinn Education Project- We haven’t done a deep dive into this one YET, but plan to. The Zinn Ed project is a robust resource for elementary, middle and high-school age kiddos.

Curiosity Chronicles - a secular history curriculum from a global perspective, beginning in ancient times. CC covers cultural, artistic and scientific history in addition to political history. I like that this curriculum is written by a homeschool parent (Rachel Meyers) with a Masters Degree in Comparative Studies.

Big History Project/World History Project -

Rethinking Columbus- We are working our way through this book and love it. From their website, “More than 80 essays, poems, interviews, historical vignettes, and lesson plans reevaluate the myth of Columbus and issues of indigenous rights. Rethinking Columbus is packed with useful teaching ideas for kindergarten through college.”

An Indigenous People’s History of the United States (For Young People) -we have been reading through this chapter by chapter in a book-club-style approach. There are also lesson plan guides for this book you can find on Teacher’s Pay Teachers!

Digital Inquiry Group-FREE RESOURCE upper elementary/high school learn more about this resource HERE

Teaching History- FREE RESOURCE elementary-high school This one is funded by the US Dpt of Ed so it may not be long for this world (Sigh)

Fordham University Internet History Sourcebooks Project- FREE RESOURCE (High School and College)- Very cool, old school (started in 1996 when I was in high school!!) resource that is “a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (without advertising or excessive layout) for educational use.”

American Historical Association- FREE RESOURCE K-12

Yale Law School, Avalon Project FREE RESOUCE Middle/High School/College- an online database of ancient- 21st century documents.

EdSiteMent Media Resources- FREE RESOURCE (upper elementary-HS) Social Justice and civil rights in US History

The American YAWP- FREE RESOURCE “A massively collaborative open US History Textbook”

World History For Us All- FREE RESOURCE K-12 From their site: “World History for Us All is a national collaboration of K-12 teachers, collegiate instructors, and educational technology specialists. It is a project of the National Center for History in the Schools, a division of the Public History Iniative, Department of History, UCLA. World History for Us All is a continuing project. Elements under development will appear on the site as they become available.”


Pandia Press R.E.A.L. Science Series/RSO Real Science Odyssey -(CURRENTLY 25% OFF August of 2023- they are also adding NEW sections to this curriculum at the moment) this is what we are currently using and have been working through the Life and Chemistry units over the past few years, respectively. If you love History Quest (like we do!) check out this comprehensive, fun, easy to follow science curriculum!

Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (BFSU) - K- 8th

Mel Chemistry/Mel Science -This one is on our “coming soon list” - we have not tried it yet, but will be! This is subscription-box style lab science for around $20 per month. Mel Science has been highly recommended by fellow secular homeschooler’s who love it. Check out more awesome subscription boxes HERE.

Nitty Gritty Science

Science Mom (and Math Dad)- FREE RESOURCES AVAILABLE


Singapore Science

NASA Kid’s Club/JPL

Herb Fairies

Science Friday Free Resources available More than just a podcast you’ll find activities, clubs, classes, and loads of free resources for homeschool fun. Check out the “Educate” tab on their site!

Generation Genius - This one has a couple options- there is an online curriculum library you can subscribe to, and they also have hands-on subscription boxes. We’ve done one of the boxes. It came with 3 experiments and my kids LOVED it. We will likely incorporate the boxes into our 23-24 school year schedule. I do love a good subscription box and you can learn more about my favorites HERE.


Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants: Live science content from all over the world!



Universal Yums- All Ages, this is one of our favorite ways to learn about the world- each box includes a map, snacks and loads of info that makes it really easy to build a month-long homeschool lesson covering music, culture, history and more.


World Regional Geography & Introduction to Human Geography-FREE RESOURCE Middle/High School Free online textbook and accompany study guide

Seterra- FREE RESOURCE ALL AGES “the ultimate map quiz site”

Geographic Big Ideas- FREE RESOURCE ALL AGES Free online textbook with loads of maps, activities and presentations.

Google Arts & Culture Expeditions- FREE RESOURCE ALL AGES Virtual Field trips

Wee Folk State Studies- FREE RESOURCE Elementary school - State studies homeschool curriculum guides

Civics/Social Studies/Current Events

Studies Weekly- A K-6 resource for Social Studies, science and social-emotional learning.

The Week Jr - A weekly magazine for kids (ages 8-14 according to their website, but my 7 year old loves it!). Every issue features a super engaging mix of “world news, ideas, activities, puzzles and lively debates”. We usually save it for the weekend and read through it together on Sunday morning!

World Languages

DuoLingo FREE RESOURCE- Duo is not only a TikTok superstar, but this site is a great way to learn a language online, for free! Everyone in our house uses it and loves it.

Rosetta Stone- Rosetta Stone is an awesome way to learn a new language. I used the CDs many years ago and found the method really effective and fun to follow (as an adult). Right now they have a lifetime access/all languages for $179 special going- as of March 2022.

Muzzy -if you were born in the 80s and watched any TV as a kid, you remember Muzzy commercials! It’s still around and homeschool parents still LOVE using Muzzy for language! I love that they have a homeschool-specific section of their website, and know they have been around long enough to be more than a proven method!

24HourAnswers- My oldest just started with a 1:1 Spanish tutor on 24hourAnswers, but they have classes in Spanish too!

Social/Emotional/Mental Health Resources

Class Dojo -FREE RESOURCE find episodic learning series’ on a variety of topics. Download their discussion guides and work through these with your kids!

Big Life Journal- “Science based journals to raise kind, resilient, confident children with a growth mindset” . I got overly excited when I first heard about this- and my oldest was a kindergartener- I recommend this journal for 3rd grade/level and up. We started it near the end of 3rd grade and that was perfect! You can also sign up for their weekly FREEBIE via email by getting on their email list!


Outschool- recorded and live online classes (my 7 year old loves the “draw Pusheen” classes!)

There are LOTS of free art tutorials on YouTube adding more as I find them- if you have a fave please leave me a comment so I can check it out!

Babble Dabble Do FREE RESOURCE (YouTube) preschool-elementary age STEM creativity activities

Draw So Cute FREE RESOURCE (YouTube)

Andrea Nelson Art / A Dream and a Day Art FREE RESOURCE (TikTok and other social channels) Andrea first popped up on my FYP one year at the end of the traditional school year explaining that you can call the public schools in your town and pay off school lunch debt for graduating students so they are not burdened (some held back from walking at the grad ceremony!) by the debt. It was an instant follow, and I quickly discovered- it was an ART channel. Her projects are fun, simple, creative and adaptable for a very wide range of age/level capacities. We are never without a couple bottles of black glue now. She does also have a website with her shop and much more!

Draw Kids Draw FREE RESOURCE (YouTube)

Google Arts and Culture- FREE RESOURCE

Meet the Masters- FREE RESOURCE K-middle school a volunteer art history and art appreciation program intended to acquaint children with the world of art.

SmARThistory-FREE RESOURCE- “Smarthistory is a tiny not-for-profit that collaborates with more than eight hundred art historians, curators, archaeologists, knowledge-bearers, and artists committed to rewriting the colonial legacies of art history, making the history of art accessible to more people, in more places, than any other publisher.”

BBC World Music Archive-FREE RESOURCE This doubles as an epic cross-curricular geography/history/world studies resource, “Explore more than a decade of Radio 3 on-location recordings from 2000 to the present in our World Music archive, recording the life and musical traditions of countries ranging from Brazil to North Korea and Cuba to Turkmenistan”

Creative Genius Zone- Designed for ages 5-10 expert-led online classes that “blend artistic expression with storytelling and scientific exploration, fostering creativity, problem-solving, and a lifelong love of learning.”

National Art Education Association FREE RESOURCE Elementary-High School A free “art educator toolkit”

Chrome Music Lab- FREE RESOURCE all ages- a website that makes learning music fun through digital experiments.

Legends of the Staff of Musique Homeschool Curricula- PreK- Middle School

Carnegie Hall Music Educator’s Toolbox- FREE RESOURCE K-5 Free lesson plans, activities and more


Touch, Type, Read, Spell


Scratch/Scratch Jr.

Lego Coding

Code Spark- K-5th and up

Typing Land- this one is an app so I’m not exactly sure how to link it, but it will pop up when you do a websearch- we’ve been using this for a few months now and both my 5th and 7th grader are loving it. It’s cute, engaging and they can easily spend 15-20 min a day practicing their typing skills!

Hatch Coding- Students 8+With thousands of projects and themes, children get to code the projects and games that truly interest them. And when kids work on projects they love, the amount they learn is limitless.”

OTHER (Tutoring, Clubs, Creative Curriculum etc)

24HourAnswers- K-12+ online tutoring, classes and homework help across a variety of subjects! Schedule LIVE one on one tutoring sessions, participate in online courses or submit queries for “homework” help. Prices vary depending on type of use (tutor, class, homework help etc.)- you can try a FREE LESSON HERE

One of our favorite forms of “creative curriculum” is SUBSCRIPTION BOXES!!! Check out my favorite The Best Subscription Boxes for Homeschoolers.

Additional Lists and links:

Please let me know any additional resources that I have missed or not added yet so I can add them ASAP! Also, if anything here is incorrect/NOT truly secular for any reason, please let me know- I did my best to only include truly secular resources, but in the event any are not- please tell me and I will edit accordingly! Much appreciated!

The SEA (Secular, Eclectic, Academic) Homeschoolers Facebook group is an excellent resource.

This list by is freakin phenomenal- it was last updated in Jan of 2019 so a few things have changed but not much! Definitely a great resource and an awesome website with loads of other amazing content!

Here’s the 2021 list from The Homeschool Resource Room

SEA Resources tab- here is the link to the Secular Eclectic Academic resource list in progress…


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