DIY Flower Crowns


Happy SUMMER! My kids and I look forward to summer for so many reasons- one of them is the fun camps they get to attend that we are definitely sad to miss this year. Since we aren’t doing the “normal” camp stuffs, we are weaving a bit more creativity and new “from home” adventure into our lives! Both kids are currently working their way through virtual Summer Book clubs and we have an awesome at-home cooking camp program we’ll be starting in a few weeks! More to come on those ASAP. Every year for the Summer Solstice we do an art/craft project or two to welcome the new season and this is actually one I had planned for LAST year but we just didn’t get to it! Sound familiar?

It was actually better to wait a year, I don’t know that my 5 year old would have had as much fun with this in 2019 as the wire wrapping takes a some dexterity that she’s definitely developed in the past year- and she is much more fluent in “how to use a glue gun” than she was 12 months ago.

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If you are more of a visual learner, I made a video tutorial you can find on my Beth Griffin & Co FB Page.


Here’s what you’ll need:

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Coiled Wrapped Wire

26 Gauge Floral Wire

Floral Tape

Flowers- I got these at Michael’s, check there or at your local Dollar Store!

Low Heat Glue Gun

Wire cutters or Scissors

(Optional) Ribbon

How to Assemble:

Use the thick Ashland wire and measure your kiddo’s head (or your head, whoever the crown is for) to just behind the ears, then add about a 1/2 inch on each side and snip it with the wire cutters.


Next create a tiny loop on each end and secure with floral tape or hot glue so there is no poking wire near anyone’s head! To use the floral tape- keep it taught and press it together- you can see how I do this in the video tutorial (HERE).


Snip the flowers off leaving about an inch of stem where possible and use the thin 26g wire to wrap the flowers onto the crown-wire. You can also absolutely hot glue them as well.

Wrap all the flowers you’d like to the crown wire and then you can tie ribbons to the loops or just wear it as is!


That’s IT! It’s a really simple, and fun craft project that could totally be done for all seasons depending on what you choose to wrap around! I want to see YOUR flower crowns!! If you make them please tag me on your IG!! (@bethgriffin_cbc).



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