My 3 Words for 2021

Ohhh so many years ago- and I’m talkin like 8ish years, my high school friend sent me a link to a blog post by Chris Brogan. Chris’ concept is to pick 3 words to set the tone/vibe for the year ahead and I totally loved it at first read. THREE: the trinity, trifecta… in numerology the number 3 signifies receiving the protection, guidance and help from divine forces.

I’m not a “resolutions” type of gal, so this resonated and picking 3 words it’s served me so well that I’ve done it every year since!!


I usually start my list mid-December, a word will keep coming up and I’ll notice it, think on it a bit and write it down- then add and take away as I think more about the broader/deeper meaning of what I intend for the coming year.

This year I chose




This isn’t the first time the word Joy has been in my 3 words (it’s the second) but it fits perfectly, there was no other word that went there. The word joy helps me focus on what lights me up, what lights my kids and husband up, what lights us up as a family. It’s an excitement word that’s also full of love and what matters most.

Recently, in astrology circle, my astrologer friend Donna reminded us that we are most powerful in the PRESENT, the universe connects with in the present and when we spend too much time mentally or emotionally living in the past or the future, we are loosing our power. In 2021 I will be powerful and PRESENT. I also don’t want to rush things- I want to hold these moments as my kids grow way too fast and be with them, learning together.

In 2020 I baked bread, made art, zoomed way too much, read a ton of books, studied and studied, was mindful and took care of my body with love- but I did definitely phase in and out of my meditation practice. In December, I made it a priority and one morning in the quiet it was delivered like a gift: the word PRACTICE. This word touched so many points for me. PRACTICE helps me remain present and facilitates growth, to practice is to act and live with hope/faith/trust in the universe. This word also reminds me of progress over perfection, of the journey not the destination. It reminds me to continue, to persevere, to know I am guided and cared for and that I must continue to fail and learn and then do it again. Practice, when done with the right mindset, leads to grit and change making.

If you choose a word, and intention or want to give 3 words a try and you’re willing to share- I would love to hear what 2021 is for you!


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